2023 Expert SEO Predictions

Top 5 SEO Predictions Every Business Owner Needs to Know

In 2022, the SEO industry faced a lot of volatility, with Google releasing eight confirmed and unconfirmed updates, leaving many businesses struggling to keep up. In 2023, we are predicting more of the same.

Here are a few of our predictions and tips on how to prepare for Google's next moves and stay ahead of the curve.

Prediction #1: Google's volatility will continue to increase. Expect more algorithm changes to happen in less time, leading to more volatility in the SEO industry.

Prediction #2: Visual search will become more prominent. With younger generations turning to platforms like TikTok and Instagram for their search needs, Google is adapting by using more visuals in search results.

Prediction #3: More companies will take technical SEO seriously. Google wants to give users a good experience, so it's becoming more important to ensure your site works well on a technical level.

Prediction #4: Voice Search will play a big role in SEO strategies for 2023. Businesses will need to make sure their website is optimized for voice search queries and can provide accurate and relevant answers to voice-based searches.

Prediction #5: Everyone will forget about Universal Analytics going away. On July 1, 2023, Universal Analytics will be retired, and those who have not set up GA4 will be affected.

It's essential to remember that the content you create and the experience you provide to your customers ultimately determine your success, and SEO is the key in 2023!


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